Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Baby Thumped

Oh my goodness, the baby moved last night! Mike and I were laying in bed trying to figure out what we had to accomplish during the day. When Mike was all I'm going to talk to the tummy, so Mike was talking to the tummy and kissed the tummy, even rubbed the tummy! After Mike had quality time with the tummy, he cuddled me and was talking about Monday... when I felt two thumps in a row. I was like oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I put Mikes had on my tummy. He was like I don't think I'll be able to feel the baby, when "thump" Mike was all wow and had a huge smile of his face! The baby thumped at least 12 times in a 30 minute period... we were so happy!! I guess the baby likes it when Daddy talks to him ^_^


Eden said...

What an awesome experience! God is blessing ya'll and letting Mike feel the baby before he leaves. Praise the Lord!

Kathie said...

Fantastic! So glad Mike could expereince this with the baby before he has to leave on deployment. Excited about seeing you soon. Love you three!