Today was my first visit with the doctor that's going to be delievering my baby, Dr. Goldstien. But he wasn't in, so Mike & I got to meet with the mid-wife, Sherry. She was so nice! Mike got to be in the room with me. He wanted to be involved as much as possible, so that means he gets to go to all of my appointments, until he leaves of course. I got to do the gross and horrible routines! I got to pee in a cup (LOL good thing I had to go), of course all those questions they ask you about EVERYTHING and the duck... I HATE THE DUCK!!! I'm sure every lady hates the duck!
A little funny story... the first time Mike and I ever went to the doctor together, we were waiting in a room for the nurse to come in. Mike was looking around and happen to find a duck. Started to play with it and I was all like baby you might want put that down and he was all like why. I took a deep breathe and told him what it was for, he kinda wrinkled his nose and put it down. Anyway, back to the doctor's visit.
Sherry, tried to get the heart beat of the baby. She couldn't find it, which really scared me. But she said that there were a few that she couldn't find and for me not to worry. Because she would do an ultrasound. Ones she said "ultrasound" Mike got all excited, he's been waiting for the ultrasound. So we wondered into another room... got to see Little Baby Oz. It was so awesome!! Sherry kept calling the baby peanut, it was so cute. While we were watching the baby on the screen it got all excited and jumped around, it was the most amazing thing in the entire world. Sherry also took some photo's of Little Baby Oz! Which I'm going to share with you. Enjoy!!

Isn't he/she cute!? That's my grandbaby number 2. Can hardly wait to get to meet the precious little guy/gal. We love and miss you three.
LOl,love your duck story. Glad you got to meet the mid-wife. THey are usually much more personable than the doctor.
Oh, there's my cute neice/nephew!!! Oh, I can't wait until I get to meet him/her.
That's nice that your hubby is able to go to your appointments with you until he can't be around anymore. The first ultrasound is fun, because you see the kid moving all around, yet you can't feel a thing cause he's just so tiny still.
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