Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Please Help!

Please take a moment from you busy day, to read this post. My parents have posted A Request For Help on their blog. Please, stop by their blog http://takingastroll.blogspot.com/. Read the post A Request For Help, if you have felt moved by the post, please reach out to help.
Thank you!


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Request For Help
This past December saw the completion of our 22nd year on the mission field. We praise God for His provision through His people during those years and look forward to many more years in His service. In all those years we raised 5 healthy children on the field and every need of family and ministry was met. God has been so good to us. And in all those years we have never asked for personal help, but feel we must do so now.
We have lived by faith on the mission field throughout our years of ministry without any form of health insurance or retirement, and until the present have never had a situation that made the lack of these a problem. Now, however, we must ask God’s people for help.
For many months now Samuel (my husband) has been having some health problems caused by his teeth. He began having ulcers inside his mouth which are caused by an allergic reaction to the type of metal on his partial dentures. Also he has structural damage to his jaw and damage to the hinge joints of his lower jaw bone on both sides of his face. Eating has become somewhat difficult and he has developed a constant, loud ringing in his ears which is very likely caused by the damage in the hinge joints. His speech is becoming slightly slurred as well, and his lymph nodes are swollen and tender to touch due to the low grade infections caused by this same dental problem. He has over the past few months consulted with two oral specialists, and both agree that repairs should be done as soon as possible before the damage becomes irreversible as he has already lost some bone mass in his jaw. The reparation surgery which would involve some dental implants as well as jaw reconstruction will cost $20,400. Without insurance or savings, this is an impossible amount for us alone, but nothing is impossible for God. I ask that you would pray about this urgent need and if it be God’s will that you would help us. If you have any comments or questions, or if you feel lead to help meet this need, please feel free to contact us here at this blog or at valledelcid2@gmail.com.
Thank you for your love and prayers and support through the months and years, and thank you for allowing God to bless us through you. May God greatly bless you and yours.
Ever in His care,

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