Thursday, July 31, 2008

Napping in the Middle of the Day

Well, I thought I had posted this photo up. But I was talking to my BIL, Steve and he told me I hadn't. So I thought I would share it with you. Eli took this photo and thought I looked cute all passed out in the middle of the day. Funny fact: when the flash went off I kind of woked up, rolled over as I grunted and said "what the..."


Steve and Eden said...

Ahhhh....look at the cute tummy!

Moz + Pam said...

I used to love taking "cat" naps when I was pregnant, too! It gives you a boost of energy, doesn't it? Won't be long now until your son arrives! Can't wait to see pictures & hear all about him!

Kathie said...

Ahhhhh.....aren't you cute! So excited about seeing you.