I have a friend who needs help & prayer. Her name is Chandler Tomayko. We have been friend for 5 to 7 years. Her and her family are warm and caring people! Chandler sent out an e-mail asking for help, I have decided to post the e-mail on my blog; hoping and praying those who read my blog will be moved to help or even pray for Chandler and her family. This e-mail is brief and to the point. Please take a moment to read it and do what you think is right in your heart.
For English Speakers:
I was born in Fort Worth Texas. I lived there with my mother and younger sister until 1997. My sister’s father was verbally, emotionally and physically aggressive toward all 3 of us for several years. My mother in fearing for her life and ours, left her family, profession, home and lifestyle behind to move to a country where we knew no one. Costa Rica.
We have lived in Costa Rica for the past 11 years. Mom got married. I now have 2 more sisters and 2 stepsisters. The United States is attempting to extradite my mother on international parental kidnapping charges. My mother has been incarcerated for almost 11 months here in Costa Rica fighting the extradition charges.
My family is my Mother, Chere Tomayko (46), my stepfather, Javier Montero (51), myself, Chandler Tomayko (21), my sisters Alexandria Tomayko (19), Mariela Montero (16), Carolina Montero (14), Sophia Montero (8) and Arianna Montero (5).
It is unjust for them to persecute a woman for protecting her children, is that not what we expect mothers to do? My mother is being persecuted and my family is being torn apart. I am asking anyone with a sense of family and love to join our cause and help me in petitioning against the extradition of my mother and allowing her to come home.
Please send this to everyone you know. If you would like more information please contact me.
The petition is posted on this website:
Para los que hablan español:
Nací en Fort Worth Texas. Yo viví allí con mi madre y mi hermana menor hasta 1997. El padre de mi hermana era verbalmente, emocionalmente y físicamente abusivo con nosotras 3 durante varios años. Mi madre temiendo por su vida y las nuestras, ella dejo a su familia, profesión, hogar y estilo de vida para vivir en un país en el que no conociamos a nadie. Costa Rica.
Hemos vivido en Costa Rica durante los últimos 11 años. Mamá se casó. Ahora tengo 2 hermanas más y 2 hermanastras. El gobierno de Estados Unidos esta tratando de extraditar a mi madre bajo cargos de secuestro de menores internacional. Mi madre ha estado encarcelada casi 11 meses aquí en la carcel El Buen Pastor luchando contra los cargos de extradición.
Mi familia es mi Madre, Chere Tomayko (46), mi padrastro, Javier Montero (51), yo, Chandler Tomayko (21), mis hermanas Alexandria Tomayko (19), Mariela Montero (16), Carolina Montero (14), Sophia Montero (8) y Arianna Montero (5).
Es injusto castigar a una mujer por proteger a sus hijas, no es eso lo que esperamos de las madres? Mi madre está siendo perseguida y mi familia está siendo desgarrada. Pido a cualquier persona con un sentido de la familia y el amor a unirse a nuestra causa y ayudarme con una petición contra la extradición de mi madre y que la permitan volver a casa.
Porfavor manden esto a todas las personas que conoces. Si deseas obtener más información, póngase en contacto conmigo.
Pueden firmar la peticion en la siguiente pagina de internet:
1 comment:
Praying for Chandler and her family. How can I get in touch with her?
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