Kaiden likes to really move around a stretch and kick... oh the kicking really hurts sometimes! He likes pushing up against my tummy also. I say he is just working out; like is daddy!! Oh the other day I was lying in bed starring at my chines lantern, when I felt the weirdest feeling ever. Kaiden had the hiccups. At first i wasn't sure what it was, but it was a repetitive "thump" so i figured it was hiccups. But just to make sure I called my Mami to ask. It was so cool!!
Mike is floating around somewhere. He'll be in port soon. I'll get to talk to him when he gets to whatever port he is headed too. He says he is burning up all the time. Of course he is, he works on the flight deck, he gets a lot of sun all the time! He'll be home in 18 weeks (126 days)!!!
Today, I went to base to put Mike's car in long term parking, which is on the dry side. It will be safer so that's a good thing. I don't want anything bad to happen to Mike's car. I was with Sarah most of the morning. She went with me to drop off Mikes car. Eli can't get on base, so he just stayed home. After we parked Mike's car, we went to the other side of the base (wet side). I went to the college office to figure some stuff out and Sarah went to the Navy Recruiting office. She's joining the navy!! She'll become an officer in 2 years... so that's always good for her.
Tonight as I was sitting on the couch watching TV re-runs and knitting. My tummy really started to itch. I got up and walked to my bed room; grabbed a little mirror and looks at my tummy... the only part that is not visible to me. And what did I find... that's right stretch marks!! I have done everything to prevent them, but yet they have found away across my tummy!!
So far that is all the news I have to share. Nothing really exciting ever happens. Well Except that Kaiden has found his new favorite place to stretch, push and lay down... my hips!!
Don't worry about the stretch marks. They will go away.
go away? when do stretch marks go away? i lotioned and did everything i was told to do to prevent stretch marks and I've got tons!!! i've heard rubbing olive oil on your tummy helps keep them away. i didn't know about that when i was preggie.
sorry to hear about the car issue.
praying for mike.
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