Let's start off with Mike! Mike is in port... somewhere! They will be leaving that port in a few days and then they will be heading to another country to drop off the marines. Float around for a week or so, then back to picking up the marines. And what every navy/marine wife likes to hear, they will be on their way home. Stopping off in a few countries for supplies and stuff like that. On August 4th, it will be the half way point... which is really exciting!! Since Mike has been in port for a few days he has called me. I love hearing his voice! After going for like 2 weeks to a month without talking, just e-mailing. It gets really exciting! I get all happy when I see a unknown caller or a really weird number. It makes my heart beat really fast. He is in the desert, kind of. So when he told me he was going snowboarding, I was like don't you mean sandboard? He told me no, snowboarding. Apparently a mall over there has an indoor ski place. Here are some photos; it looks really cool.

Well, I have 5 weeks till Kaiden is born. It's pretty exciting! I had a doctor appt. this morning. Everything went well. They took my weight it was 135lbs; I'm not a total fatty... yet. My first visit to Dr. Goldstein, I weighed 111lbs. They told me to do my best and not go over 25 pounds. So I have 1 pound to gain before I reach my weight "limit", but I'm sure if I go over, it will be no big deal; especially with only 5 weeks to go. What else, Kaiden's head is in the right position. His heart rate was 130, I suppose that's good. My blood pressure was 60/100, is that good? Oh and they measured my uterus; 35 inches. Everything is great! And I guess I have a few stretch marks below my belly button. Compared to most woman, I only have a few; that's what my doctor told me!
My Mami is coming to visit! She flies from Costa Rica to Florida on Friday, the 1st. She'll be visiting my sister Lydia for her birthday. Then on the 5th my Mami will be on her way to Kentucky to visit my Granny. I'm sure they will do a bunch of shopping, quilt making and talking. Then on the 18th she'll be on her way over here to San Diego. I'm really excited and looking forward to having my Mami come stay for a while!
So far that is everything I know. Oh, please keep my Mami in pray with all her little travels. And my Papi, he still has a lot of work to be done. Thank you!
email me and tell me where that mall is b/c snowboarding in the desert at a mall is soooo totally cool and i want to put it on my list of things to do b4 i die! lol
Sounds like you and kaiden are doing splendid! Be careful on the weight, it can sneak up on you here at the end.
Looking forward to coming to see you in about 16 days! lol And to filming the birth of Kaiden! How exciting!
Hmm...Mom is going to have so much fun hopping around the USA!!! I wish I was doing it. Well, I guess I basically am, just at a much slower rate! lol
The snowboarding looks like fun and Mike looks great. I know you are so excited that his deployment is half over.
Love you and see you soon.
Wow! That mall looks exciting! Why don't our malls here have snowboarding? No fair! LOL! It must have been great to hear his voice & see pictures of him!
i don't think i'm too far from where mike is...i'm in that part of the world.
will be lifting you and your family up (that includes your mami)
glad to see things are going well
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