Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Mike...

I really miss him! One week has gone by, only 23 weeks to go. YaY!!! They arrived in Hawaii on Saturday afternoon and they've departed this afternoon... where? I'm not suppose to tell! Just pray for him and all the other sailor's and they're families!
Well, Mike and all the guys in Crash & Salvage have decided to grow moustaches. Mike sent me a photo of his moustache, lol! Its only a 3 or 4 day mustache, but he looks so funny. He says his going to keep it! Well, I told him if he didn't look to cute with it, he would so keep it through out deployment. That way none of those girlie's hit on him. But when he gets home, he is shaving it off. Amazingly enough it does not look orange or reddish yet. Whatever keeps those guys entertained is fine by me... they are all crazy and funny! I decided to share this photo with you guys. I find it funny, because it is just not him & because of his facial expression. Anyway, enjoy!

1 comment:

Kathie said...

Interesting. However, Mike doesn´t seem to be the moustache kind of guy.