I had a doctor's visit a few days ago. It was a normal check up, nothing horrible. I got to weigh myself (126lbs), my blood pressure is great and Kaiden's heart beat is so strong! My very first doctor's visit I weighed 111lbs, I was told that at my height and body structure I should try not to gain more then 25lbs. Which was fine with me! Since my very first doctor visit I have gained 15lbs, that's not bad. I still have 99 days to gain 10 lbs, lol!
The other night Mike & I were exchanging e-mails for about an hour. Mike's middle name is Allen, after one of his uncle's. Mike never got to meet his uncle Allen, he died a few months after Mike was born. So the name Allen is significant to Mike. So Mike asked me what I thought about us changing Kaiden's middle name from Noah to Allen. Mike wants to keep the name alive in honor of his uncle. I don't have a problem with changing Kaiden's middle name. So our baby boy's name is Kaiden Allen. My goodness, hopefully it doesn't change again, lol.
Mike will be in Singapore in a few days. His really happy about that, because his been on the ship for 30 days with only water to look at. Mike is now 15 or 16 hours ahead of me. It's pretty crazy! When he gets a chance to call me, its always really late and I'm heading to bed. I'm just so excited that he found time to give me a quick call, that I really don't care what time it is.
Well, that's all the time I have to update you on everything. Nothing new is going on. Have a great day!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Slideshow Updated
I have added new photo's to the Pregnancy slideshow... so just enjoy.
Deployment Update
As of yesterday afternoon, Mike is one entire day ahead of me. Today is Tuesday 11:16a for me, but for Mike its Wednesday 6:16a. Pretty crazy!
They will be in their next port in about 2 weeks or so. I know Mike is looking forward to that. He gets to wonder around a country that his been too more then 3 time.
Just keep up your prayers!
They will be in their next port in about 2 weeks or so. I know Mike is looking forward to that. He gets to wonder around a country that his been too more then 3 time.
Just keep up your prayers!
Mike & His Mustache
LOL, I must be a mean wife or something to that nature. Mike sent me some new photo's of him showing off his mustache. I can't stop laughing! I showed my friend Stephanie and she couldn't stop laughing. She sent the photo's to her husband Ryne, he wrote back saying "LMAO, owww how cute". So I thought I would share these photo's with you. ENJOY!!!
Mike & his mustache giving the camara a smile.
Mike & his mustache blowing a kiss.
Friday, May 16, 2008
I just wanted to let you all know that I have added some photo's to the slideshow at the bottum of the page. Please take a look and enjoy!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Post Update...
There is a post I had written the day of deployment. But didn't get around to posting it up till last night. Its called Saying Sweet Fair Well. If you would like to read it that's cool, if not that's alright too. Just so you know there are PHOTO'S!!! Have a good morning!
My Mike...
I really miss him! One week has gone by, only 23 weeks to go. YaY!!! They arrived in Hawaii on Saturday afternoon and they've departed this afternoon... where? I'm not suppose to tell! Just pray for him and all the other sailor's and they're families!
Well, Mike and all the guys in Crash & Salvage have decided to grow moustaches. Mike sent me a photo of his moustache, lol! Its only a 3 or 4 day mustache, but he looks so funny. He says his going to keep it! Well, I told him if he didn't look to cute with it, he would so keep it through out deployment. That way none of those girlie's hit on him. But when he gets home, he is shaving it off. Amazingly enough it does not look orange or reddish yet. Whatever keeps those guys entertained is fine by me... they are all crazy and funny! I decided to share this photo with you guys. I find it funny, because it is just not him & because of his facial expression. Anyway, enjoy!
Well, Mike and all the guys in Crash & Salvage have decided to grow moustaches. Mike sent me a photo of his moustache, lol! Its only a 3 or 4 day mustache, but he looks so funny. He says his going to keep it! Well, I told him if he didn't look to cute with it, he would so keep it through out deployment. That way none of those girlie's hit on him. But when he gets home, he is shaving it off. Amazingly enough it does not look orange or reddish yet. Whatever keeps those guys entertained is fine by me... they are all crazy and funny! I decided to share this photo with you guys. I find it funny, because it is just not him & because of his facial expression. Anyway, enjoy!
Tummy Thump & Tummy Glide
Today, Stephanie & I went to the gym. I refuse to get horribly over weight during this pregnancy. And besides, I want to be all in tip-top shape for when Mike comes home from deployment. So Stephanie and I have decided to be gym buddies... which I know I'm not allowed to do much... but I can still ride the bike, walk the treadmill and do that elliptical thingy. Which is really nice. I been wanting a gym buddy for a while now, so Stephanie is mine!
This evening I was laying on the floor, on my back before I took a shower. As I was just laying there rubbing my tummy, thinking about Mike and staring at my tummy I saw the coolest thing ever! First I felt/saw Kaiden move and, and... goodness it to hard to explain. Well Kaiden pressed some part of his body up against my tummy and I saw it glide from one side to the other... the glide was only about 2 inches or less. It was the coolest thing ever!! Eli got to feel/see Kaiden kick, which he did and he got to see the glide too. Eli's eye got really big and he was pretty amazed, thought it was really cool. I am getting bigger now, its more noticeable. People at the East Lake Church kept wishing me a Happy Mother's Day... I was like I'm just pregnant, but thank you. I felt loved and very special!
This evening I was laying on the floor, on my back before I took a shower. As I was just laying there rubbing my tummy, thinking about Mike and staring at my tummy I saw the coolest thing ever! First I felt/saw Kaiden move and, and... goodness it to hard to explain. Well Kaiden pressed some part of his body up against my tummy and I saw it glide from one side to the other... the glide was only about 2 inches or less. It was the coolest thing ever!! Eli got to feel/see Kaiden kick, which he did and he got to see the glide too. Eli's eye got really big and he was pretty amazed, thought it was really cool. I am getting bigger now, its more noticeable. People at the East Lake Church kept wishing me a Happy Mother's Day... I was like I'm just pregnant, but thank you. I felt loved and very special!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Deployment Countdown
I posted a countdown about the deployment. Its at the bottum of the page. If your interested in knows how much longer, please take a look.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Saying Sweet Fair Well
Mike & the rest of the crew of the USS Peleliu (LHA-5) started on their 6 month deployment(May 4, 2008). They will be seeing a lot of the world ones more. They will arrive in Hawaii on Saturday, only staying a few days. Mike & I did our best not to cry, but in the end broke down in tears! I refused to get off the ship like 10 times, Mike assuring me he'll be home soon enough and telling me to be strong. Its only 184 days till they get back home, no big deal! I've already started working on Mike's 1st care package. I feel a little lost right now, cause I'm use to Mike around. His the love of my life and my best friend. Even though most days we would just sit around, doing nothing be talking or making fun of each other or silly things... I'm not use to not having him gone... yet. But I know I'm not going to get use to it either! I got an e-mail from him, it made me happy and sad all at the same time. Our first deployment was not as long as this one. But it still felt like forever. I'm just hoping I can keep myself very occupied and stress free! Also hoping it just goes by super fast. As of now this is all I have to say... I'll keep your all posted!
Color's being raised... Which means the flag being raised.
Our Last Dinner Together
Our last dinner together was just that. We have a tradition, when we leave each other for a long period of time we go to our restaurant in Little Italy, San Diego.
Friday, May 2, 2008
My Pregnancy Slide Show
Its been updated. So just scroll down and check it put. Thank you!!
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