Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Baby Thumped
Oh my goodness, the baby moved last night! Mike and I were laying in bed trying to figure out what we had to accomplish during the day. When Mike was all I'm going to talk to the tummy, so Mike was talking to the tummy and kissed the tummy, even rubbed the tummy! After Mike had quality time with the tummy, he cuddled me and was talking about Monday... when I felt two thumps in a row. I was like oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I put Mikes had on my tummy. He was like I don't think I'll be able to feel the baby, when "thump" Mike was all wow and had a huge smile of his face! The baby thumped at least 12 times in a 30 minute period... we were so happy!! I guess the baby likes it when Daddy talks to him ^_^
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I've been packing, cleaning and getting things ready to move. I'm so tired and just want it to be all over! Mike has been gone since the 12th. He gets home this week, I'm really excited! After Mike comes home, we are going to move all our stuff to our new apartment. Which is just up the street! We love Mission Valley and don't think its horribly expensive. Everyone wants to know why we are not living/moving in military housing. Well, we don't want to be surrounded by the military ALL the time! But we have decided that when our baby is a little older and walking around, we might move to housing... just so we have a yard for the little one to play around in! Oh yes, for those who did not know. Mike is extending his contract for this deployment, but re-enlisting for another 4 years during deployment. We really didn't want that, but figured it might be best. Specially for our baby and so we both can finish off our schooling. A little baby update... last night I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep. i was tapping on my tummy right where the baby should be. I stopped tapping and felt a flutter in my tummy. So I tapped again and felt the flutter again. If you don't know what I'm getting at, I felt my baby! It was so amazing, I was so excited! I didn't feel it with my hand on my tummy, just felt the flouter and knew what it was! In other news... Eli (my brother) is coming to live with me while Mike is away. I'm really excited!! I have found a church that I enjoy. The people are friendly and the pastors messages are amazing! Its called East Lake Church Mike and I have been looking for a church to call our home. I know Eli will enjoy East Lake Church, there are a lot of groups he can join and become a part of. Well, I thought I would just take a little break from packing. To write a little something. I have been taking photo's of my packing and I will be taking photo's of the moving and unpacking... and everything. I will be posting them up shortly. Have a great day and i hope you enjoyed our update!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Please Help!
Please take a moment from you busy day, to read this post. My parents have posted A Request For Help on their blog. Please, stop by their blog Read the post A Request For Help, if you have felt moved by the post, please reach out to help.
Thank you!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A Request For Help
This past December saw the completion of our 22nd year on the mission field. We praise God for His provision through His people during those years and look forward to many more years in His service. In all those years we raised 5 healthy children on the field and every need of family and ministry was met. God has been so good to us. And in all those years we have never asked for personal help, but feel we must do so now.
We have lived by faith on the mission field throughout our years of ministry without any form of health insurance or retirement, and until the present have never had a situation that made the lack of these a problem. Now, however, we must ask God’s people for help.
For many months now Samuel (my husband) has been having some health problems caused by his teeth. He began having ulcers inside his mouth which are caused by an allergic reaction to the type of metal on his partial dentures. Also he has structural damage to his jaw and damage to the hinge joints of his lower jaw bone on both sides of his face. Eating has become somewhat difficult and he has developed a constant, loud ringing in his ears which is very likely caused by the damage in the hinge joints. His speech is becoming slightly slurred as well, and his lymph nodes are swollen and tender to touch due to the low grade infections caused by this same dental problem. He has over the past few months consulted with two oral specialists, and both agree that repairs should be done as soon as possible before the damage becomes irreversible as he has already lost some bone mass in his jaw. The reparation surgery which would involve some dental implants as well as jaw reconstruction will cost $20,400. Without insurance or savings, this is an impossible amount for us alone, but nothing is impossible for God. I ask that you would pray about this urgent need and if it be God’s will that you would help us. If you have any comments or questions, or if you feel lead to help meet this need, please feel free to contact us here at this blog or at
Thank you for your love and prayers and support through the months and years, and thank you for allowing God to bless us through you. May God greatly bless you and yours.
Ever in His care,
Thank you!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
A Request For Help
This past December saw the completion of our 22nd year on the mission field. We praise God for His provision through His people during those years and look forward to many more years in His service. In all those years we raised 5 healthy children on the field and every need of family and ministry was met. God has been so good to us. And in all those years we have never asked for personal help, but feel we must do so now.
We have lived by faith on the mission field throughout our years of ministry without any form of health insurance or retirement, and until the present have never had a situation that made the lack of these a problem. Now, however, we must ask God’s people for help.
For many months now Samuel (my husband) has been having some health problems caused by his teeth. He began having ulcers inside his mouth which are caused by an allergic reaction to the type of metal on his partial dentures. Also he has structural damage to his jaw and damage to the hinge joints of his lower jaw bone on both sides of his face. Eating has become somewhat difficult and he has developed a constant, loud ringing in his ears which is very likely caused by the damage in the hinge joints. His speech is becoming slightly slurred as well, and his lymph nodes are swollen and tender to touch due to the low grade infections caused by this same dental problem. He has over the past few months consulted with two oral specialists, and both agree that repairs should be done as soon as possible before the damage becomes irreversible as he has already lost some bone mass in his jaw. The reparation surgery which would involve some dental implants as well as jaw reconstruction will cost $20,400. Without insurance or savings, this is an impossible amount for us alone, but nothing is impossible for God. I ask that you would pray about this urgent need and if it be God’s will that you would help us. If you have any comments or questions, or if you feel lead to help meet this need, please feel free to contact us here at this blog or at
Thank you for your love and prayers and support through the months and years, and thank you for allowing God to bless us through you. May God greatly bless you and yours.
Ever in His care,
Thursday, March 13, 2008
A Little Update About Everything
Well, Mike has gone underway again... he'll be back in about 3 weeks. Today he got to take his E5 test to become a 2nd class. I don't know if he passed yet, I'm sure he wont know for a few days. But when he told me a few days ago, I was all excited. Because he was excited. We are hoping he passed with flying colors.
Well, we have a new apartment, we sign our lease on the 28th... then we get to move in. While Mike is gone, I have been put in charge of all the packing, Mike says cause its easy and doesn't want me to hurt myself. Mike said something the other day about packing. We were sitting around just talking and picking on each other like we always do. He said "A monkey can throw sh*t in a box, but the monkey can't organize the sh*t like you can baby" when he said that he made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself. Anyway! So our address will change very soon.
Deployment is coming so very soon. Sometimes i wish I could hold time still so I could spend more time with Mike, before he goes.
On April 1st, Mike & I have another doctor visit. We are suppose to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Good thing we have names picked out already... for a boy and for a girl.
Like I said, a little update about everything. Hope everyone is having a good day!!!
Well, we have a new apartment, we sign our lease on the 28th... then we get to move in. While Mike is gone, I have been put in charge of all the packing, Mike says cause its easy and doesn't want me to hurt myself. Mike said something the other day about packing. We were sitting around just talking and picking on each other like we always do. He said "A monkey can throw sh*t in a box, but the monkey can't organize the sh*t like you can baby" when he said that he made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself. Anyway! So our address will change very soon.
Deployment is coming so very soon. Sometimes i wish I could hold time still so I could spend more time with Mike, before he goes.
On April 1st, Mike & I have another doctor visit. We are suppose to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Good thing we have names picked out already... for a boy and for a girl.
Like I said, a little update about everything. Hope everyone is having a good day!!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Doctor's Visit
March 4, 2008 -
Today was my first visit with the doctor that's going to be delievering my baby, Dr. Goldstien. But he wasn't in, so Mike & I got to meet with the mid-wife, Sherry. She was so nice! Mike got to be in the room with me. He wanted to be involved as much as possible, so that means he gets to go to all of my appointments, until he leaves of course. I got to do the gross and horrible routines! I got to pee in a cup (LOL good thing I had to go), of course all those questions they ask you about EVERYTHING and the duck... I HATE THE DUCK!!! I'm sure every lady hates the duck!
A little funny story... the first time Mike and I ever went to the doctor together, we were waiting in a room for the nurse to come in. Mike was looking around and happen to find a duck. Started to play with it and I was all like baby you might want put that down and he was all like why. I took a deep breathe and told him what it was for, he kinda wrinkled his nose and put it down. Anyway, back to the doctor's visit.
Sherry, tried to get the heart beat of the baby. She couldn't find it, which really scared me. But she said that there were a few that she couldn't find and for me not to worry. Because she would do an ultrasound. Ones she said "ultrasound" Mike got all excited, he's been waiting for the ultrasound. So we wondered into another room... got to see Little Baby Oz. It was so awesome!! Sherry kept calling the baby peanut, it was so cute. While we were watching the baby on the screen it got all excited and jumped around, it was the most amazing thing in the entire world. Sherry also took some photo's of Little Baby Oz! Which I'm going to share with you. Enjoy!!

Our First Anniversary
That's right people... 1 wonderful year since we got married! Mike came home in his dress blues (Cracker Jack's). He looked so cute!! Of course he bought me plain white daisy's, because their my favorite flower EVER!!
Mike got me a really cool bag from Puerto Vallarta & a really awesome vase with a black/orange lizard wrapped around it.
I must say our evening was wonderful! Mike got to come home from underway just in time for our anniversary.
Now we are on our way to 2 years of happiness... with a wonderful addition to our lives, Little Baby Oz!!!
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