Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Awesome Crib!!

Kaiden didn't really have a crib for a long time. We had bought a pack n' play with a bassinette . A few days ago we (mike & I) were talking about how we really need to buy Kaiden a new crib. Especially since Kaiden was to long for his pack n' play.

We had looked every where for a crib that was simple we liked and didn't cost a fortune!! If you have ever been to our home you can tell we love IKEA (everything is from there [except a few things] BUT STILL), so Mike decided to look online for some cribs from IKEA. We found one we liked, then checked to see if they had it in our store and drove over. It was perfect!!! It was a mire $100 and it was simple and did I say perfect!! So we picked it up at the warehouse and bought it.

I think he likes it!!!

So much space!!

"Dada, Mama thanks so much for the new crib. I don't know what to do with myself its so big... can I jump, oh please can I jump on it!!"


Kathie said...

The crib looks great. And I love the price. Kaiden looks very pleased with himself in all that extra space.

Steve and Eden said...

Awesome crib, dudes!