Just recently my Daddy came over for a visit. It was wonderful to see him again! Mike & I took Dad around San Diego... we took him on the naval base to see the ship Mike is on. We also went to Harbor Drive, where you can walk around and see interesting things. We took a little 5 ship tour. We also went to Sea World. It was a great time. My Dad was so intertand, he was like a little kid... he was full of energy & so excited! My Dad also spent time with my sister. Yesterday, he road the Greyhound Bus Line to Selinas, to visit my other sister, bro-in-law & first grand-daughter. I hope you enjoy looking at the photo's of our lovely visit!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Little Life Update
Nothing is really new since my last post... still pregnant! The only thing that's new is I'm sleepy all the time, which Mike loves because if I'm taking a nap its nap time for him too... he loves nap time! And I'm so hungry... which isn't unusual... but since I can't eat what I want, because mike is making sure my pregnancy diet is all healthy foods, so our baby is healthy... isn't he the cutest! I've had a headache for the past week and its driving me insane, all I want to do is take some medicine & take a nap... but I can't!
So last night Mike & I started crying, let me tell you the story. I was laying in the bed while Mike was kissing, rubbing & talking to my tummy... when all of a sudden he snuggled his head against my tummy and started to cry. I cupped his chin and in the mist of me asking him why he was crying I started to cry, because I realized why he was crying. We wanted a baby since the first time we fell in love with each other. We were crying for two reasons... because we are going to have a beautiful baby & because Mike will not be here for most of the pregnancy, but whats worst, for the birth. He wants to be in the delivery room, he wants to cut the umbilical cord and he wants to be the first one to hold the baby. So we are so excited about the baby, but sad because he will not be here.
But besides all of that... everything is alright!
So last night Mike & I started crying, let me tell you the story. I was laying in the bed while Mike was kissing, rubbing & talking to my tummy... when all of a sudden he snuggled his head against my tummy and started to cry. I cupped his chin and in the mist of me asking him why he was crying I started to cry, because I realized why he was crying. We wanted a baby since the first time we fell in love with each other. We were crying for two reasons... because we are going to have a beautiful baby & because Mike will not be here for most of the pregnancy, but whats worst, for the birth. He wants to be in the delivery room, he wants to cut the umbilical cord and he wants to be the first one to hold the baby. So we are so excited about the baby, but sad because he will not be here.
But besides all of that... everything is alright!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
First Baby Notice
A few weeks ago, I started to feel nauseous. I just thought I was getting the flu or something until i was 10 days later for that time of the month. I got curious, so I decided it was time to check (January 19, 2008). The home test said it was POSITIVE as you can tell from the photo below. But I wanted to make
sure. So, Sarah & I decided to go to Balboa Hospital. We waited about 1 hour or so until I was called... after I was called in, I waited about 1 hour 30 minute to get my results. And just as the little home test showed, the hospital results said the exact same thing POSITIVE. I was not sure how I felt when the doctor told me. I was shocked, happy & overwhelmed with joy. I almost started to cry when the doctor told me I was pregnant, but I didn't cry. I was so anxious to tell Mike, my family & all my friends. As I walked to the waiting room, Sarah looked up from her book... I didn't say anything to her. As I got closer I smiled at her and she knew, so we both squealed & stomped our feet in joy, then hugged. Everyone was looking at us like we were the weirdest people on earth. We were and still are excited. Mike... he is now kissing and talking to my tummy. His all like I'm going to be a Daddy... so pretty excited. I'm really excited!! We figured the due month is either August or September. Which is cool... Mike (August) & me (September).. its awesome! That's the latest news in our little happy lives!
Monday, January 14, 2008
A-school in Pensacola, FL.
Sunday - January 13, 2008...
Mike went to Pensacola for a week. He went with his crew from the Pelelui. A few months before deployment they have to leave for a week for training. Every time its the same training, but its to make sure they know their stuff.
On the first day, everyone from crash & salvage (the crew) sits in a classroom to go over everything flight deck fireman are suppose to know. Then the next couple of days they do training... like they suit up in their firefighter suit and run into burning helicopters. Mike says its fun, but horrible at the same time.
Well, originally when Mike left he told me he would be back on Saturday, but last night after he got in to Pensacola he called the airlines and changed his flight from Saturday to Friday. I'm really excited about that!! I can't wait till Mike gets back home. I know his only been gone for a day... but I REALLY MISS MY NENE!!!!
So Mike will be home on Friday - January 18, 2008... I'm excited!!!
Mike went to Pensacola for a week. He went with his crew from the Pelelui. A few months before deployment they have to leave for a week for training. Every time its the same training, but its to make sure they know their stuff.
On the first day, everyone from crash & salvage (the crew) sits in a classroom to go over everything flight deck fireman are suppose to know. Then the next couple of days they do training... like they suit up in their firefighter suit and run into burning helicopters. Mike says its fun, but horrible at the same time.
Well, originally when Mike left he told me he would be back on Saturday, but last night after he got in to Pensacola he called the airlines and changed his flight from Saturday to Friday. I'm really excited about that!! I can't wait till Mike gets back home. I know his only been gone for a day... but I REALLY MISS MY NENE!!!!
So Mike will be home on Friday - January 18, 2008... I'm excited!!!
The Midway & The First Kiss...
Saturday - January 12, 2008... Sarah & Kevin... our friends & neighbors. Kevin & Mike work together on the Pelelui. Sarah & I just go shopping together and plan dinners together. But This time we went on a date, which was a lot of fun! Mike & I road our car and Sarah & Kevin road their motorcycle.
Our First stop on our date was the USS Midway. I looked up some history about the Midway.

“Midway Magic” is a historical fact. It was a term known throughout the Navy as the USS Midway steamed through a 47-year career of service to country. Imagine a carrier that was commissioned in 1945 and served as a flagship in Desert Storm in 1991. No other carrier served as long as the USS Midway.
Time and again Midway remained on station when other carriers broke down and headed for port. It was almost magical how the crew and carrier responded to every call—both military and humanitarian.
The USS Midway set new standards of naval aviation in the latter half of the 20th century. A captured German V-2 rocket was launched off the USS Midway in 1947—the dawn of naval missile warfare. The USS Midway blazed new trails of sub-Arctic air operations off the coast of Greenland. It was the first carrier homeported in a foreign country, calling Yokosuka, Japan home for 18 years. When others came home, the USS Midway remained at the “tip of the sword” on an odyssey shared by 225,000 Americans that spanned the surrender of Japan in WWII, the Cold War, Vietnam, the era of détente and Desert Storm.
No other carrier carries such a proud—many say “magical”—tradition of diligence, vigilance and mission completion. Midway Magic was real. And it continues today on her final mission as an interactive museum, tribute and education center.

Our next stop was at the First Kiss... 

After we took photo's and walked around. We went back home. Mike & Kevin played racket ball and Sarah & I went to buy fish. We cooked, had dinner together. It was a great, fun day!

Time and again Midway remained on station when other carriers broke down and headed for port. It was almost magical how the crew and carrier responded to every call—both military and humanitarian.
The USS Midway set new standards of naval aviation in the latter half of the 20th century. A captured German V-2 rocket was launched off the USS Midway in 1947—the dawn of naval missile warfare. The USS Midway blazed new trails of sub-Arctic air operations off the coast of Greenland. It was the first carrier homeported in a foreign country, calling Yokosuka, Japan home for 18 years. When others came home, the USS Midway remained at the “tip of the sword” on an odyssey shared by 225,000 Americans that spanned the surrender of Japan in WWII, the Cold War, Vietnam, the era of détente and Desert Storm.
No other carrier carries such a proud—many say “magical”—tradition of diligence, vigilance and mission completion. Midway Magic was real. And it continues today on her final mission as an interactive museum, tribute and education center.
We walked to the First Kiss. Our dates, our husbands, bought us the shirts we are wearing. The shirt says "We Can Do it!"... Rosie the Riveter is on the shirt.
V-J Day, Aug. 14, 1945 -- World War II is finally over and New York's Times Square has erupted in spontaneous celebration.
Suddenly a handsome sailor pulls a young nurse into an embrace. The iconic image of that kiss, immortalized by the photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt in Life magazine, became the symbol of a joyful nation's victory.
Suddenly a handsome sailor pulls a young nurse into an embrace. The iconic image of that kiss, immortalized by the photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt in Life magazine, became the symbol of a joyful nation's victory.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Christmas Vacation
December 17, 2007 - December 26, 2007
To start off we have to tell you about our wonderful flight. We flew out of San Diego heading for Newark, New Jersey. Well, on our flight there was an elderly Oriental man. We saw him when he boarded the plane. He looked scared, delirious and the worse part he couldn't speak English. Three hours up in the air he starts having breathing problems. The stuartist got on the intercom and asked if there was a doctor and someone who spoke his language. Amazingly enough there was a doctor, a nurse & someone who spoke his language. Well, the man was getting worse and worse... an hour to Newark, the captain got on the intercom to announce that we are landing in Chicago at the O'Hara airport. After we land and a medical team took the elderly man off the plane we got back on our route, not that it mattered, since we missed our flight from Newark to Buffalo. Anyway, we finally got to Newark, missed our flight... so we went to the customer service place to see what they could do for us. We had 2 options, we could either wait in Newark till 9pm to catch a flight to Buffalo or fly from Newark to Detroit have a 1 to 2 hour layover then finally fly to Buffalo. We decided to fly to Detroit... it was faster. So, we flew from San Diego, dropped in Chicago, then to Newark, then to Detroit & finally got to Buffalo... then drove to Salamanca getting to Mike's Mom house around 6 - 6:30pm.
For Christmas vacation, we flew up to Salamanca, New York and drove down to Warren, PA. Our vacation seemed to have gone by so fast. Every day, was full of things to do, sometimes it seemed like we didn't have time to do everything we wanted to do. But it was still a nice trip!
Mike got to see and visit with his family and got to see 2 of his best buddies, which he has know since kindergarden! He showered his little cousin's with lots of hugs and kisses. I must say I got a little jealous... lol.
While we were in Salamanca, we went to Ices's 2nd grade christmas play, it was so cute! We went to visit Mike's Uncle Allen's grave stone (who Mike is named after). Mike took me to 2 diners; Fish's Diner & Langworthy's Diner... I was amazed!! Mike, Karley & I went to the Salamanca Mall, which constist of a dallor general store, an antiques store and a hardware store. We also went bowling with Mike's Gram'pa and cousin Karley. Mike's Gram'pa is a pro-bowler, he has about 10 trophy's to prove it. Mike had a snow ball fight with his cousin's Karley, Ices & Ila. Ila is the younest, she got hit in her face and began to cry, Mike picked her up to comfort her. I watched and took photo's. We cooked a Honduran meal for Mike's Gram'ma & Gram'pa. We went to PA to visited Mike's father & his family. While we were there, we went to David's (Mike's half brother) wrestling match, there was 7 different schools competing. David won first place in the 171 lbs division. Back in Salamanca, we spent one evening hanging out with Mother & her boy friend. We played darts, it was alot of fun. We drove up to Little Valley, its about 20 minutes from Salamanca to visit with Mike's Uncle Mike (who he is also named after) & Aunt Sue. On the drive up to Little Valley, we saw a gaint hotdog & the Salamanca City Hall... the old one that is. On Christmas Eve, we went to Mass with Mike's Gramma & watched a little play... then went back to Gramma's house to open Christmas gifts. On Christmas morning we had lunch at Gramma & Grampa house. Then we took a walk behind the grandparents house, to walk the train track. We also went to the BIG casino... it was fun!
The entire time we where in Salamanca I was freezing, Mike thought it was quite warm.
Mike's Family, they are all nice & kind... Gram'ma is a sweet, kind, little lady who knows how to cook and always puts everyone else before her. Gram'pa, let me tell you a story. He called over to Mother's house to talk to me, the reason he called was to tell me "I have some M&M's over here for you". He loves candy & he's very sweet. Mother is hularious, very talkative, & is always ready to have fun. The girls, are wild, sweet sometimes & very funny. Since we didn't spend alot of time with Mike's Father & his family, I don't have anything to say about them... I mean they were nice & pretty sarcastic. We didn't spend a lot of time with Mike's aunt Susie. But uncle Mike & aunt Sue, well they were not very talkative when we drove to their house to seem them, but the next day we drove up again to meet them at the VFW. Mike's Gram'ma told us ones uncle Mike get a beer in his system he will talk your ear off... Gram'ma was so right!
We did our best to spend time with everyone. All in all it was a nice trip. But we are very happy to be back home in San Diego... the weather is so nice over here and we finally get to relax and get back to our normal lives!
To start off we have to tell you about our wonderful flight. We flew out of San Diego heading for Newark, New Jersey. Well, on our flight there was an elderly Oriental man. We saw him when he boarded the plane. He looked scared, delirious and the worse part he couldn't speak English. Three hours up in the air he starts having breathing problems. The stuartist got on the intercom and asked if there was a doctor and someone who spoke his language. Amazingly enough there was a doctor, a nurse & someone who spoke his language. Well, the man was getting worse and worse... an hour to Newark, the captain got on the intercom to announce that we are landing in Chicago at the O'Hara airport. After we land and a medical team took the elderly man off the plane we got back on our route, not that it mattered, since we missed our flight from Newark to Buffalo. Anyway, we finally got to Newark, missed our flight... so we went to the customer service place to see what they could do for us. We had 2 options, we could either wait in Newark till 9pm to catch a flight to Buffalo or fly from Newark to Detroit have a 1 to 2 hour layover then finally fly to Buffalo. We decided to fly to Detroit... it was faster. So, we flew from San Diego, dropped in Chicago, then to Newark, then to Detroit & finally got to Buffalo... then drove to Salamanca getting to Mike's Mom house around 6 - 6:30pm.
For Christmas vacation, we flew up to Salamanca, New York and drove down to Warren, PA. Our vacation seemed to have gone by so fast. Every day, was full of things to do, sometimes it seemed like we didn't have time to do everything we wanted to do. But it was still a nice trip!
Mike got to see and visit with his family and got to see 2 of his best buddies, which he has know since kindergarden! He showered his little cousin's with lots of hugs and kisses. I must say I got a little jealous... lol.
While we were in Salamanca, we went to Ices's 2nd grade christmas play, it was so cute! We went to visit Mike's Uncle Allen's grave stone (who Mike is named after). Mike took me to 2 diners; Fish's Diner & Langworthy's Diner... I was amazed!! Mike, Karley & I went to the Salamanca Mall, which constist of a dallor general store, an antiques store and a hardware store. We also went bowling with Mike's Gram'pa and cousin Karley. Mike's Gram'pa is a pro-bowler, he has about 10 trophy's to prove it. Mike had a snow ball fight with his cousin's Karley, Ices & Ila. Ila is the younest, she got hit in her face and began to cry, Mike picked her up to comfort her. I watched and took photo's. We cooked a Honduran meal for Mike's Gram'ma & Gram'pa. We went to PA to visited Mike's father & his family. While we were there, we went to David's (Mike's half brother) wrestling match, there was 7 different schools competing. David won first place in the 171 lbs division. Back in Salamanca, we spent one evening hanging out with Mother & her boy friend. We played darts, it was alot of fun. We drove up to Little Valley, its about 20 minutes from Salamanca to visit with Mike's Uncle Mike (who he is also named after) & Aunt Sue. On the drive up to Little Valley, we saw a gaint hotdog & the Salamanca City Hall... the old one that is. On Christmas Eve, we went to Mass with Mike's Gramma & watched a little play... then went back to Gramma's house to open Christmas gifts. On Christmas morning we had lunch at Gramma & Grampa house. Then we took a walk behind the grandparents house, to walk the train track. We also went to the BIG casino... it was fun!
The entire time we where in Salamanca I was freezing, Mike thought it was quite warm.
Mike's Family, they are all nice & kind... Gram'ma is a sweet, kind, little lady who knows how to cook and always puts everyone else before her. Gram'pa, let me tell you a story. He called over to Mother's house to talk to me, the reason he called was to tell me "I have some M&M's over here for you". He loves candy & he's very sweet. Mother is hularious, very talkative, & is always ready to have fun. The girls, are wild, sweet sometimes & very funny. Since we didn't spend alot of time with Mike's Father & his family, I don't have anything to say about them... I mean they were nice & pretty sarcastic. We didn't spend a lot of time with Mike's aunt Susie. But uncle Mike & aunt Sue, well they were not very talkative when we drove to their house to seem them, but the next day we drove up again to meet them at the VFW. Mike's Gram'ma told us ones uncle Mike get a beer in his system he will talk your ear off... Gram'ma was so right!
We did our best to spend time with everyone. All in all it was a nice trip. But we are very happy to be back home in San Diego... the weather is so nice over here and we finally get to relax and get back to our normal lives!
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