Thursday, November 13, 2008

Two Month Check-Up

Nov. 10th

Kaiden had his 2 month old check-up. He was a very good boy. Until they gave him him 4 shots in his little baby legs and one oral shot. He took those like a champ - cried until I picked him up. His been doing good. He has been sleeping a lot more, eats maybe 5 times a day and had a little fever, but he is all better now. For his age group his a big boy; that's what his doctor said. His bigger then 90% of boys his age. His weight & height are evenly proportioned. So our baby is very healthy!!

Weight: 13lbs 15oz and Height: 24inches.

1 comment:

Kathie said...

So glad Kaiden is doing well. We can hardly wait to see him again in the spring.