Thursday, September 25, 2008
Getting Back To My Size
Sept 12 - This was 6 days after Kaiden was born.
Sept. 24 - YAY... I'm almost back to my original size! Only 18 days after Kaiden was born.
Today - I weighed myself this morning. I'm pretty excited, yesterday I weighed 125.5lbs and this morning I weighed 124.5lbs. I'm really happy. I can't wait to get back into shape! I have 12 pounds to go before I'm back to 111lbs. That's how much I weighed, when I first found out I was pregnant. I'm recovering well!
The Biggest Steelers Fan Ever!
As it is football season; Kaiden's Grandpa Oz sent Kaiden a Steelers jersey and sweat pants. Grandpa Oz remembered that Mike was a huge Steelers fan back in the day. So it was kind of to honor Mike in becoming a Daddy and to set Kaiden in the right pace of football.
Kaiden looks so relaxed in his little jersey!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Little Things of Kaiden
Kaiden occasionally likes his pacifier.
But he really prefers my fingers...
...or his own.
As you can tell Kaiden has reddish-orange hair!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Our Son - Kaiden Allen

Six Days Old
Happy One Week, Kaiden!!!
Smooching on my little man!
Just so you all know, Kaiden now weighs 8lbs 3oz and is 21' 3/4"... his growing like a weed. Kaiden is very well behaved. He grunts when he wakes up and has a dirty diaper. The only time he ever cries his when he is REALLY hungry. Kaiden is also a breastfeed baby, he has taken very well to it. Which makes me very happy! When his not sleeping or eating, he sits and looks around and is very contant. Mike & I are so blessed with a sweet little guy like Kaiden!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Labor & Birth
Sept. 4 - I had a doctors appt. I weighed 141lbs; I gained 30lbs exactly. Well, I actually saw my mid-wife... she told me I should go for a nice long walk with my Mom, just so Kaiden would come sometime in the very near future. So we went for a nice long walk in the mall.
Sept. 5 - At 9:18am my contractions started. At first I was just a little uncomfortable, not really sure what I should expect. I have been told that contractions feel like cramping... lucky me I don't get cramps. So when they started getting worse I was for certain. I called my coach (Mindy) right up and said "Operation baby feet has commenced". She came over when I stared feeling them more regular, she and I went for a few walks around my complex. By 7:30pm I was beginning to feel the pain of the contractions. So Mom, Mindy & I went to the hospital. My water had not broken yet, but my contractions were pretty strong. As I was sitting in bed in triage my water broke... then the contractions felt even worse. They sent me up to the delivery room. I wanted a natural birth, no drugs what so ever. Of course the contractions were getting worse, so the nurse gave me a pain reliever in my IV. It did affect the baby in anyway, which was my main concern. They also gave me something to help me dilate a little faster. I had been stuck on 4cm for about 4 hours. So they called in a doctor on call. Well, turned out that my water hadn't broken completely and Kaiden's head was in the way a little bit. But they fixed that right up! Ones they made my water break all the way, I dilated to 7cm in 20 minutes. And the pain was horrible. I was shivering and shaking, could barely move and the contractions were painful. I dilated to 8cm about an hour later, trying to tough it out, but knew I couldn't any longer. I was told I should take the epidural and it wouldn't affect Kaiden what so ever. They normally don't give the epidural after 8cm, but since I'm a tiny person they gave it to me anyways. In about 30 minutes to an hour it had kicked in. I no longer felt my contractions and it slowed down the birthing process. I fell asleep... coming in and out of sleep most of the night.
Sept. 6 - By 12 noon, I had finally dilated 10cm... it was time to start pushing! I had pushed for 3 hours straight not getting anywhere. I was exhausted!! The doctor on call finally came in, after being asked repeatedly by the nurse to please come make sure everything was going alright with me and the baby. After pushing for 3 hours, the doctor was like your pelvic is to small and your babies head is to big. His stuck!! They tried to vacuum him out, that didn't work it just freaked me out. Finally the doctor was like, c-section time. I had not prepared myself for a c-section; since I was so determined to have a natural birth. They took me to the OR and I had my c-section. I was pretty drugged up and was out of it when Kaiden was getting cleaned up. Mindy kept telling me to wake up that Kaiden was here and beautiful. Kaiden was born at 4:pm, weighing 8lbs 3 oz and he was so long 21' 1/2"... it was insane!! Seeing him for the first time was amazing and holding him was even more wonderful. I love my little man and Mike is just so thrilled to be a Daddy!!
Sept. 5 - At 9:18am my contractions started. At first I was just a little uncomfortable, not really sure what I should expect. I have been told that contractions feel like cramping... lucky me I don't get cramps. So when they started getting worse I was for certain. I called my coach (Mindy) right up and said "Operation baby feet has commenced". She came over when I stared feeling them more regular, she and I went for a few walks around my complex. By 7:30pm I was beginning to feel the pain of the contractions. So Mom, Mindy & I went to the hospital. My water had not broken yet, but my contractions were pretty strong. As I was sitting in bed in triage my water broke... then the contractions felt even worse. They sent me up to the delivery room. I wanted a natural birth, no drugs what so ever. Of course the contractions were getting worse, so the nurse gave me a pain reliever in my IV. It did affect the baby in anyway, which was my main concern. They also gave me something to help me dilate a little faster. I had been stuck on 4cm for about 4 hours. So they called in a doctor on call. Well, turned out that my water hadn't broken completely and Kaiden's head was in the way a little bit. But they fixed that right up! Ones they made my water break all the way, I dilated to 7cm in 20 minutes. And the pain was horrible. I was shivering and shaking, could barely move and the contractions were painful. I dilated to 8cm about an hour later, trying to tough it out, but knew I couldn't any longer. I was told I should take the epidural and it wouldn't affect Kaiden what so ever. They normally don't give the epidural after 8cm, but since I'm a tiny person they gave it to me anyways. In about 30 minutes to an hour it had kicked in. I no longer felt my contractions and it slowed down the birthing process. I fell asleep... coming in and out of sleep most of the night.
Sept. 6 - By 12 noon, I had finally dilated 10cm... it was time to start pushing! I had pushed for 3 hours straight not getting anywhere. I was exhausted!! The doctor on call finally came in, after being asked repeatedly by the nurse to please come make sure everything was going alright with me and the baby. After pushing for 3 hours, the doctor was like your pelvic is to small and your babies head is to big. His stuck!! They tried to vacuum him out, that didn't work it just freaked me out. Finally the doctor was like, c-section time. I had not prepared myself for a c-section; since I was so determined to have a natural birth. They took me to the OR and I had my c-section. I was pretty drugged up and was out of it when Kaiden was getting cleaned up. Mindy kept telling me to wake up that Kaiden was here and beautiful. Kaiden was born at 4:pm, weighing 8lbs 3 oz and he was so long 21' 1/2"... it was insane!! Seeing him for the first time was amazing and holding him was even more wonderful. I love my little man and Mike is just so thrilled to be a Daddy!!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Rebecca's 22 Birthday & Julian
Today is my birthday!! My family (Mom, Yeni [sister] and Eli [brother]) and I went to IHOP for breakfast & then we drove up north a ways to Julians. It's a little town out in the middle of no where. They sell the best apple pies! It's also wine country, but anyway... I wanted an apple pie more then anything. It was a nice time! I would like to share some photos in this slideshow. ENJOY!!!
Michael's 22nd Birthday
Mike turned 22 years old on August 7th. I sent him a birthday package full of goodies... snacks, toys, CD full of photos, DVD full of video's, a Betty Crocker easy make birthday cake (add water, pop it in the microwave for 60 seconds and you have a delicouse little cake) and some random stuff he likes. Of course his birthday was in the shack... while he was floating on the ocean. But he said he loved his package & really enjoyed his little cake. Enjoy the slideshow!!
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