Thursday, August 14, 2008
Accident after Accident
Well, I have another accident to report. Just to start it all off, everyone is fine! Eli & I were driving back home from Wal*Mart. I see a Taco Bell sign so I'm thinking about the big stuff Chicken Asado burrito for 79 cents. I get into the turning lane, there are a lot of cars coming so I'm just relaxing waiting for a nice long clearing. Cars start to pile up behind me as I wait. Finally there is a clearing, but I always wait a few minutes before I pull out; just to make sure. The car behind me honks so I get a little nervous and I start to drive into the parking lot. I'm passing two lanes to get to the lot; going a mire 5mph. When all of a sudden Eli was like "Becca!" I slightly turn my head towards him when I see this bicyclist trying to stop as I am putting on my breaks. The guy hits my car and I stop completely, I realize I covered my eyes as he goes flying over my car. I freak out! Put my car in park, with half of it in incoming traffic. Get out of my car to make sure the guy is alright. I can't stop apologizing and asking him if he is alright and if he needs to go to the hospital. He tells me his alright as he takes his time to stand up. I tell him that I'm going to move my car in the parking lot and I'd be right back. Eli is helping him up and asking him again if he is alright. The guy walks away with a bruise and some scratches. But his bike got broken in half and my passenger mirror got beat up and I have some dents and I need a new paint coat. We exchanged information. I felt so awful and was not sure what to do, that I offered to take him home; which I did. He realizes I'm pregnant and ask me if I'm alright, when I'm due and if I need to go to the hospital. I tell him that I'm pretty sure I'm alright! I drop him off at his home, I drive back to my home. I'm in tears and just don't want to talk to anyone. I tell Mike what happened by e-mail and he tells me it's alright, to figure everything out and to relax. I call my insurance. Then I get a phone call from the guy I hit, he tells me his filling a report. I'm a little confused and distrait, because since no one got injure I didn't think we had to fill out a police report. So I politely give him the information he asked for. Then I called my father-in-law to inform him and to ask for some advise, given the fact that his a state trooper. He tells me this and that and tells me to stay calm. He was a big help! I then called the San Diego police department to ask some questions and report the accident. The lady I spoke with informed me that she had just spoken with the guy and that we don't need to fill a report, because no one was injured. So that was a major relief. So tomorrow, I am taking my car in for repairs and my insurance should cover his bike. Of course I called my doctor, but I had to leave a message. I'm sure I'm going to be on house arrest or band from driving for the rest of my pregnancy! So with all that said here are some photos of my car... 

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Poor baby! Marmee will be there soon. Just chill and be content. You've had three times of trouble so it should be over. Old wives's tale....trouble comes in threes. You've had yours! Love you and will see you in less than 5 days.
Praise the Lord He kept you safe!
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