Earlier today I was on line, looking for cute military signs. My brother in law is coming home today from his first deployment (Air Force). So I was looking for a sign to post on my sister's myspace.. like a "YAY!" sign. I was searching for the perfect one. But instead I found a sign that said "Don't let your kid join the military". That sign really upset me. But what made that sign worse, I went for a walk. I saw it as a bumper sticker and that made me angry!

My husband is out there defending these people who really don't care about them... who carry banners and have hateful rallies about our men. Our men who miss their homes, who are waiting for the day they get to hold their new born baby in their arms, who are dying to protect us and those pathetic people who hate them. It angered me so much! I'm not new at being a navy wife, but when I see bumper stickers and signs on line it makes me sad and angry. But more then sadness and anger, I pity those people who would put that bumper sticker on their car or who would make a sign like that on line. I love my sailor, his my hero and no matter what he does or what people say; I will always be there to support him. Its just hard knowing that there are people out there that do not support our men.
My Grandpa was in the Army - 101st Airborne, my oldest sister was in the Navy, I have two brother in laws who are in the Air Force, I have another brother in law who is in the Navy & my husband who I love so much is in the Navy... I just wish people would be more respectful to those who serve their country.
I grew up in countries that hate the USA. Now I live in the USA where people do not support the men & woman who are out there defending & dying for the freedom of the USA. Its a really big shame that people who live in a free country, would hate on those who are making sure its free.
Well said, Becky! California seems to be one of those states that doesn't support the military very much. Our area has really nasty bumper stickers about the military and I feel angry at them and sad at the same time because they are so incredibly ignorant of everything.
Love you!
I agree with you, Becca, 100%. Anger over such words and actions by those who claim to be American is a common feeling for me. All those who are critical of our military, our young men and women in uniform, need to spend a year or so in a place where freedom actually has a personal price. Maybe they would wake up. Once upon a Dream said -they are so incredibly ignorant. Unfortunately, ignorant hardly describes them. Foolish or just plain stupid might be better. They have no idea what the freedoms they enjoy daily truly cost and it is sad to say, but they will never get it figured out until it is too late and their freedom is gone. It is also a shame that so many of our government officials don't seem any less "ignorant" when is comes to this issue. They sit in D.C. and refuse to sign legislation that would provide body armor for our troops because they are opposed to the war. Personally I think we should load said officials on a military transport plane and drop them off in the middle of terrorist territory without the proper gear and see how quickly they would be willing to do whatever it takes to properly equip our heroes in the military. My father was in the military, one of my daughters was as well, and all three of my sons (in law) are. I am proud to be an American and I am proud that my family is willing to fight for what America stands for. One thing about it, no one has ever wondered whether or not I'm a hawk or a dove. Should be easy to figure out.
Encouraging a child to join in an unconstitutional war is pretty silly imho.
Iraq did nothing to endanger my freedoms, absolutely nothing.
Afghanistan was home to bin laden, who organized the people to attack us, but it was because of our occupation in their country, so if we weren't there, 9/11 wouldn't have happened.
They don't hate us because we're free, they hate us because we are on their holy land.
The only dangers they have put on us is creating a disaster that would allow a panicked congress to enact things like the PATRIOT act that DOES take away my freedoms. So really we should be fighting congress instead of third world countries.
Most people who don't want others to join the military DO support the troops, the sticker said not to allow your kids to join, you just managed to pull anti troop support out of the message, which is just jumping to conclusions and getting yourself angry over something someone didn't say. Are you really that angry at someone who simply thinks a kid shouldn't join the military? Am I really that horrible to you that I wouldn't allow any of my future kids to join the military that I suddenly don't support the troops? How to get get anti-troop out of parental concern?
I hate the thought of anyone joining the military because I have seen so many of my friends join and then come back either sick, injured, poor or a complete and total asshole.
They don't get paid well, they don't get help for medical problems after coming back from their deployment... they get swept under the rug, or sent back. My friend Steve is losing the hair on his body, his EYELASHES are gone, and its because of Iraq. He didn't get paid by the Army for months, and they didn't do a thing about it (they actually denied it). He is sick, both mentally and physically, and they wont do anything for him no matter how much he begs and pleads for help... Why should I say "GO THROW YOUR KIDS IN THE MILITARY" when I have seen 0 evidence that they would be treated well?
But don't just assume that someone with that sticker doesn't support the troops, because it is ONLY an assumption that holds no ground in fact. The only evidence you have is a sticker, and in any case that is very little to go by to make such a statement on your part.
Wait until the person says "I hate our troops" and then get angry, but don't get angry and someone expressing their freedom of speech your husband is "protecting".
I support your husband and you, I disagree 100% with WHY we're over there, but I still hope they all come back safe and sound. Nevertheless, I agree with that sticker, and if you believe so much in freedom, I hope you can respect my opinion as I respect yours.
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