Thursday, June 28, 2007

Update On Life

Well, it has been almost a month since my last blog. I just haven't had anything to write about. My life is not very interesting at the moment. And I can not say where Mike has been, where he is at or where he is off to next. After he left Hawaii, I was no longer allowed to say anything. These pass weeks have gone by so fast. The day for Mike & I to be together again is coming up so quickly. He and I are both amazed and very happy. We are hoping that time will keep moving along and maybe go by a little faster. Mike has been thinking about re-enlisting, but he's not for certain just yet. As a good husband would he asked my opinion about it and how I would feel. I told him, that he knows I'm with him 100%, no matter what he decides. I know that my opinion, thoughts & feeling matter in the decision of him staying in... but he will always have to make the last say in it. I told him I would be alright with it, so now he is really considering it! I know that he will stay in, just because I know him. On other news... we are having a team of 8 people come to Costa Rica. They are a puppet team for VBS (Vacation Bible School), they'll be here for 2 weeks. I know while they are here time will fly by pretty fast. Since those 2 weeks are going to be packed with a lot of busy stuff. In case you what to know how long Mike & I have been married and the bottom of this page is a counter up. It will tell you how long we have been married. And there is also a count down, for how many days there are left till Mike is back from his deployment. So enjoy!


Eden said...

Hey!!! How are you? It was awesome talking to you the other day!
Could you please send us Mike's email address? I can't find it; and I've been meaning to email him and everytime I get a chance to email him I remember that I dont' have it. lol
We're so excited that you guys will be together soon!!
We love you both!


Eden said...

You've been tagged!!!