Day 1 - (May 2, 07)
Today we drove up to see my sister Eden and her little family. The drive was about 7 hours long. It was so much fun! I of course had to sing off key and at the top of my lungs, lol. Mike of course would then turn on the radio and try to drown my awful singing out.
On the way up to see Eden & the family, we saw 3 different car accidents, an elderly person driving down the wrong side of the highway (who got pulled over by a cop), lots of cows, horse's and a few goats. We finally arrived at my sisters around 4:30 pm. Mike got to meet my sister Eden, my brother in law Steve & my precious little niece Olyvia. Olyvia turned 1 years old about 1 month ago.. so Mike & I bought her this really cute piggy bank!
Day 2 - (May 3, 07)

Well, Mike and I have been married 2 months today! Its pretty cool!! We went to the pool for a little bit.. It was was cold out, but thank heavens the pool was heated. Olyvia loves the pool. She was all excited and happy. Mike, is a great swimmer. And he likes jumping in the the pool and making a big splash, which by the way made Olyvia laughed! Eden spent her time taking pictures. Me on the other had.. I can't swim!I guess you can say I almost drowned, but since Mike is in the navy and a really good swimmer, well he saved me. He picked me up a throw me to the shallow side. Its nice when your prince charming knows how to swim! After the pool, we watched Spider Man 1 & 2, since 3 is coming out... Mike wanted to re watch 1 & 2. So we did!
Day 3 - (May 4, 07)
Today Mike & I drove back to San Diego. We stopped of in Oxnard, its about 3 hours from San Diego. We visited his brother Jeff for about an hour. We had dinner together and socialized. This time on the way back to San Diego, Mike & I got to see 2 car accidents... and because of one of those accidents we got stuck in a 1 hour & 30 minute traffic jam! Finally we got home around 10:30 at night. We were so tired we just passed out! So that is the lovely tale of our first road trip together as a married couple!