Friday, February 4, 2011

Nevy at Two Month

Nevy is two months old (Feb.2).She weighs 12lbs 4oz and is 22.5inches long.
She had her doctor appt. today. She's my chubby chunk! Funny story about today's visit. Kaiden was sitting on a chair while Nevy was getting her shots. Well the moment Nevy started crying, Kaiden stood up and stared at the lady who was giving the shots. After she was done giving Nevy her shots, Kaiden pointed at the lady and said "bad, mean girl... my baby sister... mean girl... poor baby sister got boo boo." When he points his finger he means business. It was so funny. As you can tell Kaiden protects his baby sister. He loves her so much. He always tells Nevy he loves her and gives her kisses.

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