Thursday, April 30, 2009
Baby vs. the Spoon
Kaiden loves to eat! He likes to try to feed himself, but its kind of messy. We let him practice every other day. It always fun watching him eat. Sometimes he shoves the spoon far into his mouth that he gags himself. But he figures it out after a few times.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Bubble's & Swing's
We took Kaiden to the park this evening... it was too hot during the day so we decided to go around 5pm. Earlier today Kaiden & I (Becca) went to wal*mart to get some stuff. While we were there we went to the toy section. Bought Kaiden a foam football and a bubble stick. Kaiden was amazed by the bubbles... as you can see in these photos. 

We also played on the slides... Kaiden didn't know how to react to that though. 

And the whole reason we really went to the park was so Kaiden could swing. This was the first time he had ever been on a swing!! He loved it so much... he kept smiling and laughing. Every now and then he'd let out a screech of excitement. His a dare devil... just like his parents.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Jumper Swing
Kaiden doesn't always get to play in his jumper swing. But when he does... he gets really excited and loves it. He doesn't fussy or cry when you take him out. Here are some photo's and a video. ENJOY!!! 

Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Sunday & Monday Playdate (Easter theme)
Easter Sunday -

Monday Playdate -

Kaiden's first Easter. We went to church on Sunday morning and then home. Had a very nice dinner and a beautiful evening. We didn't do any egg hunt, Kaiden's too little to understand. 
Getting ready for church... (he didn't wear the green headband)
Eat some grapes
This was Kaiden's first play date. It was an Easter theme, so we (Kaiden & I) baked some brownies and decorated it. It was 6 different mom's with their little ones. Kaiden got an egg, he didn't know what to do with it so he chewed on it, lol.
Happy Easter!!!
The eggs... all "hidden" for the hunt

Kaiden playing with his Easter egg =)
Some mommies & their kids from the playdate
Kaiden wasn't sure what was going on, but he liked watching the other kids playAll us mommies & our little ones
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sea World
Once a year the Peleliu gives away tickets to Sea World. Mike got to choose between going to work on Friday or going to Sea World. Obviously he chose Sea World!! We had a really nice time, didn't stay too long, but it was still fun. Kaiden really liked the aquariums. We didn't go to any shows, figured Kaiden wouldn't be able to sit through them. He was very excited and interested in everything he saw.

Friday, April 3, 2009
Blues Clue
Every morning Kaiden watches one episode of Blues Clue. He normally plays in his jumper when he watches Blues Clue or I'll sit him on the floor with some toys or in his squishy chair. He gets really excited when Steve sings. Mike & I have always like Blues Clue... its fun and educational. Plus its only 30 minutes long, perfect for Kaiden... I don't want him to be a couch potatoe. This is the only time Kaiden watches TV, well unless Mike & I are watching a movie at night and Kaiden wakes up, he watches a little bit with us.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Parents Came to Visit
My parents came to visit last weekend, they got in on Thursday. Mike and I were expecting (wanting) them to stay a week, but they left on Monday. It was a nice visit!! Kaiden and Abuelito would take walks everyday, sometimes twice a day.

On Sunday we just hung out and BBQ that night. Eli & Dad packed up the car, that way they didn't have to do it in the morning. 
On Monday, the parents took off to Texas and Eli went with them. Mike went to work (he had duty). So Kaiden and I had a whole day of each other.
On Friday, we just sat around and played Rock Band.
On Saturday we went to Seaport Village, just for fun and to wonder around. My Dad wanted some hot sauce from Hot Licks. Later on that day we had a BBQ. Yeni came over for that. We played wii for a good while... I mean Yeni & Mom played wii for a good while, lol. 
Its a little weird without Eli... its really quiet. We don't hear "yelling" or talking loud coming from his old bedroom. But his off to bigger and better things... a new life.
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