Well, I do hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. I know we sure did. It was Kaiden's first Christmas; he had no clue what was going on, but he did enjoy all the attention!
Our Day...
We woke up, had breakfast and hung out for a little while. Kaiden & I ended up taking a nap. Therefore present time was delayed. Finally after we woke up, we had present time. Then Mike started the ham and shortly after that I started to help make the rest of our dinner. We didn't have friends over, it was just Eli, Mike, Kaiden & I. It was a good time!! Here are some photos for your enjoyment.
On Christmas Eve Mike & I placed some cookies out for Santa... the note says
" Dear Santa, Merry Christmas -xoxo- The Osborne's & Eli =)"
Mike is making breakfast... pancakes & eggs!
Eli is still sleepy. He migrated from his bed to the couch!
Yes, I got Mike man footed sleepers. He wanted some for the longest time so I got him a a pair. He wore them proudly!
Kaiden got his Daddy a gift too
Kaiden opening his stocking with the help of Daddy & tio Eli.
Kaiden got pacifier's
Eli got a nerd stick & Slinky Jr.
Mike got a lighter, candy shot-glass & some fun toys
A little gift box was in my stocking...
A pearl ring was in the box.
Story - Two years ago I pointed out how cool this ring was. I actually wanted a pearl ring for my engagement ring...
Mike cooked the ham!!
The meal looks delicious. Great job on the ham, Mike, and I look you jammies. I hesitate to show them to Daddy, he might want some, too. LOL Becca, the ring is beautiful. Kaiden, you are one special little guy and got lots of love. Eli, you look cool in those shades. Love and miss you all. See you in the spring.
Where have all my comments been going?! I'd left one on this post when you first posted it!
Anyway, I love watching ya'll celebrate Christmas! Yummy food! Awesome gifts!
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