Just so you all know, I posted a slide show of my tummy getting bigger. So please check that out. Where is it... its at the bottum of the blog, where a lot of my stuff is at. I'll be updateing it every month and I'll be sure to let you all know... I'll write a post about it! have a wonderful evening!!!
Oh Oh, Mike will be home on Monday!!! I'm really excited!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
How Dare They!!!
Earlier today I was on line, looking for cute military signs. My brother in law is coming home today from his first deployment (Air Force). So I was looking for a sign to post on my sister's myspace.. like a "YAY!" sign. I was searching for the perfect one. But instead I found a sign that said "Don't let your kid join the military". That sign really upset me. But what made that sign worse, I went for a walk. I saw it as a bumper sticker and that made me angry!
My husband is out there defending these people who really don't care about them... who carry banners and have hateful rallies about our men. Our men who miss their homes, who are waiting for the day they get to hold their new born baby in their arms, who are dying to protect us and those pathetic people who hate them. It angered me so much! I'm not new at being a navy wife, but when I see bumper stickers and signs on line it makes me sad and angry. But more then sadness and anger, I pity those people who would put that bumper sticker on their car or who would make a sign like that on line. I love my sailor, his my hero and no matter what he does or what people say; I will always be there to support him. Its just hard knowing that there are people out there that do not support our men.

My Grandpa was in the Army - 101st Airborne, my oldest sister was in the Navy, I have two brother in laws who are in the Air Force, I have another brother in law who is in the Navy & my husband who I love so much is in the Navy... I just wish people would be more respectful to those who serve their country.
I grew up in countries that hate the USA. Now I live in the USA where people do not support the men & woman who are out there defending & dying for the freedom of the USA. Its a really big shame that people who live in a free country, would hate on those who are making sure its free.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Crock Pot & Little Baby Oz
Crock Pot - I was at target earlier today. I was on a mission to buy a crock pot... so I could make Mike a very yummy dinner, for our one year wedding anniversary. Well, I found the one I wanted. Which was the one my sister Eden told me to buy, because its a really good one and because its the one she has! So, I bought it!!
Little Baby Oz - For those who do not know this, Mike is known as Ozzy on the ship and since we've been married, I'm known as Ozziette. So, since Mike is Ozzy & I am Ozziette; and we do not know if we are having a boy or a girl just yet we have decided to name the baby, Little Baby Oz. So if I say Little Baby Oz in another post you will all know who I am talking about.

After I pick up the crock pot. I kept wondering around target. I came across some little baby socks and I fell in love with them! I also came across a little book The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. When I was younger I remember having that story read to me... I always loved it! So I bought the little socks & the book for Little Baby Oz! Yes, I know there is a turtle & a worm on the socks... but if you looked at my socks you'd understand!
Thomas Kinkade Puzzle
Monday, February 25, 2008
Tide-to-Go Superbowl Commercial, My Talking Stain Ad
Thrillicious: 2008 SoBe Life Water Super Bowl Ad
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Pregnancy Ticker
Just so you all know. I added a pregnancy ticker on my blog. Its at the bottom of the blog. I was trying to put it at the top, but I couldn't figure it out. Oh well!! So if you want to know how far along I am just scroll down to take a look. Thank you!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Valentines Day!!
Mike & I had a nice Valentines Day! We went to a nail place called In Style Nails to get a Spa Pedicure & Manicure... We watched Oprah while getting our nails prettied up. Mike got to do everything we lady's do & got to talk about the same things we do when we go get our nails done. The Pedicure & Manicure was what I wanted to do for Valentines Day. Then we went to eat at a little Thai resturant called Dan Siam Thai Cuisine. Dinner was amazing, the service was awesome also! We had a wonderful Valentines! Mike got me a huge bouquiet of daisies (my favorite flower), Ferrero Rocher Hazelnut Chocolate & a Thomas Kinkade 1000 piece puzzle. We got each other Ipod Nano's as well. We had a very nice time together!

Road Trip... Family... Baby Cheek Squeezen!!
We drove up to Riverside (2/9-10/2008), to visit with Jeff (Mike's brother), Ann (Jeff's wife) & Alex (their baby). We also got to visit with Ann's Grandparents, since we were staying at their home.
Riverside is 1 hour & 30 minutes north from San Diego. The trip up was amazing! We got to see SNOW on the mountain tops, which was totally shocking to us. We sang horribly off key to songs that came on the radio, that are way over played! We saw the March Air Force Base... I of course was all amazed. There were big planes on the landing strip and jets under a little tin house. While passing the base there was also a musemun, it had older aircrafts around the building.
We arrived at the Grandparents house around 9 or 10 Saturday morning. We walked in the house saying "hello, anyone here?" then there came Ann with Alex in her arms. The first thing Mike did was to grab Alex, didn't even say hi to Ann first, lol... This was the first time that we met Alex since he was born. So you can understand Mike's excitement when he grabbed Alex from Ann. Ann & I hugged & spoke for a little bit before Mike handed Alex to me, since I was so excited to see him & hold him as well... Mike finally said hi to Ann & gave her a hug. We then saw Jeff, said our hello's, hugged & just kept talking. A few hours later we met Gram'ma. Well, I met Gramma, Mike already met the Grandparents from his last visit to Riverside. We didn't meet Gram'pa until dinner time. Before meeting Gram'pa, Jeff, Ann, Alex, Mike & I went out just to catch up some more... we went to a swap meet. Jeff insisted to hold Alex in the carrier. So when we got inside the boys went straight to the car section, so Ann & I went our own way... SHOPPING! So imagine this... two girls wondering around is not a big deal, but two guys wondering around & one of them has a baby strapped to them... well they just get strange looks, lol. After the swap meet, we went up the street to a sport store to buy guns (well to look at them & see how much they were), then we wondered to Toy's R Us to get a teether for Alex. After all that wondering around & excitement, we were super hungry. But since we knew that Gram'ma was making a feast to feed an army, we just went to a little chinese place an got something to sustian us for a little while. Then we drove back to the house, relaxed, watched tv & talked. We had dinner.. and I finally got to meet Gram'pa. Who doesn't talk all that much! Well, Jeff & Mike are 11 months apart. Like they are both 21 together for an entire month, but not anymore. Anyway, they decided since they are both legal to drink, it was time to bond. So while the boys drank beer and took shots of peppermint schnopps... Ann & I enjoyed a big bowl of ice cream, each! Jeff got really talkative really quick, which was so funny! Mike on the other hand was like he wasn't drinking at all. Gram'ma & I wondered out to the garage where Gram'pa was at... his garage was full of old cars which excited me! I love old cars! Mike followed us and he was amazed as well! Jeff came in a little after us, he loves cars, so he & Gram'pa struck up a conversation about every car that was in the garage. Well, Gram'pa loves fixing up old cars, taking them to car shows, he plays the bagpipes & the organ! After spending about an hour in the garage talking and listening to stories Gram'ma, Mike & I went back to the house. Gram'ma served us some more ice cream and started to tell us stories. Gram'ma was telling us about her job as a CO. She was a CO for 30 years. She was totally cool, but kind of scared Mike & I when she was telling us her stories of putting people in there places... She doesn't take crap from anyone! Well, after stories with Gram'ma it was around 11... so we all said good night and went to bed. The next morning, we had breakfast, sat around & talked for a little while more. We then decided to drive back down to San Diego... Mike had to get his stuff ready for Monday, because he had duty (duty is when you are on the ship all day & are not allowed home till the next day, after work).
So that was our trip to Riverside, it was nice & a lot of fun. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please enjoy the slide show as well.
Riverside is 1 hour & 30 minutes north from San Diego. The trip up was amazing! We got to see SNOW on the mountain tops, which was totally shocking to us. We sang horribly off key to songs that came on the radio, that are way over played! We saw the March Air Force Base... I of course was all amazed. There were big planes on the landing strip and jets under a little tin house. While passing the base there was also a musemun, it had older aircrafts around the building.
We arrived at the Grandparents house around 9 or 10 Saturday morning. We walked in the house saying "hello, anyone here?" then there came Ann with Alex in her arms. The first thing Mike did was to grab Alex, didn't even say hi to Ann first, lol... This was the first time that we met Alex since he was born. So you can understand Mike's excitement when he grabbed Alex from Ann. Ann & I hugged & spoke for a little bit before Mike handed Alex to me, since I was so excited to see him & hold him as well... Mike finally said hi to Ann & gave her a hug. We then saw Jeff, said our hello's, hugged & just kept talking. A few hours later we met Gram'ma. Well, I met Gramma, Mike already met the Grandparents from his last visit to Riverside. We didn't meet Gram'pa until dinner time. Before meeting Gram'pa, Jeff, Ann, Alex, Mike & I went out just to catch up some more... we went to a swap meet. Jeff insisted to hold Alex in the carrier. So when we got inside the boys went straight to the car section, so Ann & I went our own way... SHOPPING! So imagine this... two girls wondering around is not a big deal, but two guys wondering around & one of them has a baby strapped to them... well they just get strange looks, lol. After the swap meet, we went up the street to a sport store to buy guns (well to look at them & see how much they were), then we wondered to Toy's R Us to get a teether for Alex. After all that wondering around & excitement, we were super hungry. But since we knew that Gram'ma was making a feast to feed an army, we just went to a little chinese place an got something to sustian us for a little while. Then we drove back to the house, relaxed, watched tv & talked. We had dinner.. and I finally got to meet Gram'pa. Who doesn't talk all that much! Well, Jeff & Mike are 11 months apart. Like they are both 21 together for an entire month, but not anymore. Anyway, they decided since they are both legal to drink, it was time to bond. So while the boys drank beer and took shots of peppermint schnopps... Ann & I enjoyed a big bowl of ice cream, each! Jeff got really talkative really quick, which was so funny! Mike on the other hand was like he wasn't drinking at all. Gram'ma & I wondered out to the garage where Gram'pa was at... his garage was full of old cars which excited me! I love old cars! Mike followed us and he was amazed as well! Jeff came in a little after us, he loves cars, so he & Gram'pa struck up a conversation about every car that was in the garage. Well, Gram'pa loves fixing up old cars, taking them to car shows, he plays the bagpipes & the organ! After spending about an hour in the garage talking and listening to stories Gram'ma, Mike & I went back to the house. Gram'ma served us some more ice cream and started to tell us stories. Gram'ma was telling us about her job as a CO. She was a CO for 30 years. She was totally cool, but kind of scared Mike & I when she was telling us her stories of putting people in there places... She doesn't take crap from anyone! Well, after stories with Gram'ma it was around 11... so we all said good night and went to bed. The next morning, we had breakfast, sat around & talked for a little while more. We then decided to drive back down to San Diego... Mike had to get his stuff ready for Monday, because he had duty (duty is when you are on the ship all day & are not allowed home till the next day, after work).
So that was our trip to Riverside, it was nice & a lot of fun. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please enjoy the slide show as well.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
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